About NWTP
It gives us great pleasure to introduce NWTP-2019 which is going to organize by India’s most prestigious company, Finland Labs (A Unit of Revert Technology Pvt. Ltd ) .
NWTP-2019 promises to keep a tab on the advancements and stay in sync with the mood of the times.
We are looking forward to make your esteemed college as Winter Training Center for NWTP-2019.
Finland Labs is a Company providing state-of-the-art Education in the field of Technologies. Our Management comprises Alumni of world class institution and Research Center.
The purpose of this program is an opportunity for the students to Excel and Explore technology ,with highly qualified and experience faculty. This Training program as an integral part of engineering curriculum provides opportunity of peeping into real professional life of the engineering people also which enables students to evaluate and understand the practical application of all the terms and techniques that they have studied during their academic sessions.
Finland Labs is a renowned Engineers Training Organization, well known for providing quality education in advance field such as Artificial Intelligence , Cloud Computing , AWS , Android Apps Development, Big Data & Hadoop , Python Programming, Machine Learning & Deep Learning , Data Analysis Using R , Embedded System & Robotics,Internet of Things Using Arduino and Raspberry Pi,Quad Copter Development,
Currently these are the hottest and largest job providing sectors. With reference to the same, we wish to start training programs in these field, Students applications from your college are invited for the same.
Zonal Competition
- After the hand on theory and practical experience from Training, Zonal Round Competition will be conducted for the participants.
- Certificate of Merit will be provided to all Zonal Round Winners and Certificate of Participation will be provided to all the Zonal Round Participants.
- Winners of zonal centers will be called to participate in the FINAL Round to be held March 2019.
- Top 3 Teams will be awarded as winners of championship & will be awarded & honored by Finland Labs .
Who should go for this Course?
- Artificial Intelligence , Cloud Computing , AWS , Android Apps Development, Big Data & Hadoop , Python Programming, Machine Learning & Deep Learning , Data Analysis Using R , Embedded System & Robotics,Internet of Things Using Arduino and Raspberry Pi,Quad Copter Development
- Students/Faculty/professional from all streams can attend this training.
- Participant seeking future in Artificial Intelligence , Cloud Computing , AWS , Android Apps Development, Big Data & Hadoop , Python Programming, Machine Learning & Deep Learning , Data Analysis Using R , Embedded System & Robotics,Internet of Things Using Arduino and Raspberry Pi,Quad Copter Development
What are the other requirement for this training program?
- Seminar hall/classroom having the enough capacity to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
- Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required.
- Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation purposes.
- This training center can only be arranged for a minimum of 50 students.
- Accommodation,Pick and Drop from airport/railways station/bus Station to Our Expert.
Training Certificates
- Certificate of Participation from NWTP-2019 In Association With Finland Labs.
- Certificate of merit from NWTP-2019 In Association With Finland Labs.
- Certificate of Coordination from NWTP-2019 In Association With Finland Labs.
In case of any queries | please feel free to contact
Finland Labs
Phone : +91 -8505838080
(M), (011) 65544708(O)
Email : info@finlandlabs.com
Machine Learning For Data Science
Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics
Why Machine Learning
Machine Learning is a growing field that is used when searching the web, placing ads, credit scoring, stock trading and for many other applications.
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed. The basic premise of machine learning is to build algorithms that can receive input data and use statistical analysis to predict an output value within an acceptable range
The Outcomes of Machine Learning Training
This workshop will cover the basic algorithm that helps us to build and apply prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications. attendees, at the end of this workshop, will be technically competent in the basics and the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning such as:
- Understand components of a machine learning algorithm.
- Apply machine learning tools to build and evaluate predictors.
- How machine learning uses computer algorithms to search for patterns in data
- How to uncover hidden themes in large collections of documents using topic modeling.
- How to use data patterns to make decisions and predictions with real-world examples
- from healthcare involving genomics and preterm birth
- How to prepare data, deal with missing data and create custom data analysis solutions for different industries
- Basic and frequently used algorithmic techniques including sorting, searching, greedy algorithms and dynamic programming
The Objective of Machine Learning Training
To expose the Faculty/ Research Scholars/ Students in emerging technologies in the areas of Data Science & analytics. This workshop provides practical foundation level training that enables immediate and effective participation in Big data And Data Science and other Analytics projects.
This data science course is an introduction to machine learning and algorithms. Participants will develop a basic understanding of the principles of machine learning and derive practical solutions using predictive analytics. We will also examine why algorithms play an essential role in Big Data analysis.
Course Content
Introduction to Data Science
- types of Data
- Why Data
- Different types of Data
- Data Quality
- Law of Diminishing Returns
- Design for Scalability
Note: Extraction of Data
Introduction to analytics
Different Types of Analytics
Introduction to Intelligence
- Business Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence (with respect to the software)
- Defining AI(Artificial Intelligence) and ML(Machine Learning)
- Expert System
Why these to used for (BI and ML) for Analytics
- Causality of collinearity
- Types of Categorical predictors
- Contigency tables
- Non Casual Relationship
- Some current offerings of Statstics tools
- MathSoft
Neural Networks
- How predictions are made in neural network
- How Back propagation Learning works
- Data Preparation
- Combating Over fitting
- Applying and training the neural network
- Explaining the network
- Case Study Using Weka Machine Learning Tool and Using R Language
Genetic Algorithm
- What are genetic algorithm
- Where to Use Genetic algorithm in Analytics
- The General Idea
- How the Genetic algorithm works
- Mutation
- Epistasis
- Classifier Systems
- Case Study (Real time)
Business Analysis
- Reporting
- Managing
- Olap Tools
- Applications
- Power Builder
Pattern and Models
- Problem 1: Selection
- Problem 2: Acquisation
- Problem 3: Retention
- Problem 4: Extension
- The “Right” model?
- The Perfect model
- Missing Data
- Experimental Design
- Avoiding Bias
- Introduction to R
- Why R Language
- Basic Math
- Variable assignment
- Removing Variables with respect to R
- Numeric Data ( WRT to R)
- Character Data
- Dates
- Logical (with respect to R)
- Vectors
Data Visualization
- Principles
- parallel co ordinates
- Visualization of trees
- Advanced visual system
- Alta Analytics
- Silicon Graphics
- Business Objects
Weka Machine Learning – offline
Why Weka
Watson Analytics using Machine Learning !
Machine learning
Introduction to Data Mining
- What is data mining?
- Related technologies – Machine Learning, DBMS, OLAP, Statistics
- Data Mining Goals
- Stages of the Data Mining Process
- Data Mining Techniques
- Knowledge Representation Methods
- Applications
- Example – Weather Data
Data Warehouse and OLAP
- Data Warehouse and DBMS
- Multidimensional data model
- OLAP operations
Data Preprocessing
- Data cleaning
- Data transformation
- Data reduction
- Discretization and generating concept hierarchies
- Installing Weka 3 Data Mining System
- Experiments with Weka – filters, discretization
Data mining implementation for machine learning
- Task relevant data
- Background knowledge
- Interestingness measures
- Representing input data and output knowledge
- Visualization techniques
- Experiments with Weka – visualization
Attribute-oriented analysis
- Attribute generalization
- Attribute relevance
- Class comparison
- Statistical measures
- Experiments with Weka – using filters and statistics
Attribute-oriented analysis
- Attribute generalization
- Attribute relevance
- Class comparison
- Statistical measures
- Experiments with Weka – using filters and statistics
Mining algorithms: Association rules
- Motivation and terminology
- Example: mining weather data
- Basic idea: item sets
- Generating item sets and rules efficiently
- Correlation analysis
- Experiments with Weka – mining association rules
Mining algorithms: Classification
- Basic learning/mining tasks
- Inferring rudimentary rules: 1R algorithm
- Decision trees
- Covering rules
- Experiments with Weka – decision trees, rules
Mining algorithms: Prediction
- The prediction task
- Statistical (Bayesian) classification
- Bayesian networks
- Instance-based methods (nearest neighbor)
- Linear models
- Experiments with Weka – Prediction
Mining algorithms: Prediction
- The prediction task
- Statistical (Bayesian) classification
- Bayesian networks
- Instance-based methods (nearest neighbor)
- Linear models
- Experiments with Weka – Prediction
Mining real data
Applying various data mining techniques to create a comprehensive and accurate model of the data. which could be analyzed and implemented for Machine learning Using R
- ID – Parent Database, with M-n relationship
- that is one to many
- Partitioning methods: k-means, expectation maximization (EM)
- Hierarchical methods: distance-based agglomerative and divisible clustering
- Conceptual clustering: Cobweb
- Experiments with Weka – k-means, EM, Cobweb
Advanced techniques, Clustering, Machine Learning software and applications
Text mining: extracting attributes (keywords), structural approaches (parsing, soft parsing).Bayesian approach to classifying text
Web mining: classifying web pages, extracting knowledge from the web
Machine Learning software and applications.
Python Programming
Python Programming for Emerging Applications
Why Python
- Python fast and easy it is to use. Python cuts development time in half with its simple to read syntax and easy compilation feature. Debugging your programs is a breeze in Python with its built in debugger.
- Python is continued to be a favorites option for data scientists who use it for building and using Machine learning applications and other scientific computations
- Python is free to use, even for the commercial products, because of its OSI-approved open source license.
Python Uses:
- Use Python for building desktop applications.
- Use Python for building interactive web maps.
- Use Python to download data from various data service APIs.
- Use Python for batch geocoding of addresses with Geopy.
- Use and fully understand object-oriented design.
- Use Python to build web applications with Flask.
- Use Python for database applications.
- Use Python for data analysis and interactive data visualizations.
- Use Python for scraping data from websites with Beautiful Soup.
- Use Python to analyze and visualize stock market data.
Python Training Highlights
- Exposure to Python Programming Language
- Exposure to Graphic User Interface Development
- Good multimedia content to help students grasp the material easily
- Understand the concepts of Object Oriented Programming Language
- Understand and write Efficient Code.
- Use Python Language to develop back-end of Web Applications
- Use Python Language to create Games
- Use Python Programming Language to create your own hobby projects
- Career guidance by experienced faculty
Python Course Contents
Introduction to the course
- Python Setup for Windows
- Install Python on Windows
- Using IDLE On Windows
- Python Setup for Mac
- Downloading And Installing Python On Mac OS X
- Using IDLE on Mac OS X• Python Setup for Linux
- Downloading And Installing Python On Ubuntu Linux
- Using IDLE on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing IntelliJ on Ubuntu Linux
- IntelliJ Python Configuration For Ubuntu Linux
The Basics of Python
- Getting To Know Python
- Introduction To Python
- Installation and Working with Python
- Understanding Python variables
- Python basic Operators
- Understanding python blocks
- Python Data Types
- Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex
- Using string data type and string operations
- Defining list and list slicing
- Use of Tuple data type
Program Flow Control in Python
- An Introduction To Program Flow Control
- Conditional blocks using if, else and elif
- Simple for loops in python
- For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries
- Use of while loops in python
- Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else
- Programming using Python conditional and loops block
Python Functions, Modules And Packages
- Introduction
- Organizing python codes using functions
- Organizing python projects into modules
- Importing own module as well as external modules
- Understanding Packages
- Powerful Lamda function in python
- Programming using functions, modules and external packages
Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations
- Building blocks of python programs
- Understanding string in build methods
- List manipulation using in build methods
- Dictionary manipulation
- Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions
Python File Operation
- Reading config files in python
- Writing log files in python
- Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines()
- Understanding write functions, write() and writelines()
- Manipulating file pointer using seek
- Programming using file operations
Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops
- Concept of class, object and instances
- Constructor, class attributes and destructors
- Real time use of class in live projects
- Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators
- Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes
- Programming using Oops support
Python Regular Expression
- Powerful pattern matching and searching
- Power of pattern searching using regex in python
- Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex
- Password, email, url validation using regular expression
- Pattern finding programs using regular expression
Python Except ion Handling
- Avoiding code break using exception handling
- Safe guarding file operation using exception handling
- Handling and helping developer with error code
- Programming using Exception handling
- 10: Python Database Interact ion
- SQL Database connection using python
- Creating and searching tables
- Reading and storing config information on database
- Programming using database connections
Python Multithreading
- Understanding threads
- Forking threads
- Synchronizing the threads
- Programming using multithreading
Contacting User Through Email s Using Python
- Installing smtp python module
- Sending email
- Reading from file and sending emails to all users addressing them
- Directly for marketing
Python GUI Introduction
- Writing python program for CGI applications
- Creating menus and accessing files
- Server client program
Sample Project
- Web applications
- Desktop applications
- Database applications
- Web scraping
- Web mapping
- Data analysis
- Interactive web visualization
- Computer vision for image and video processing
- Object Oriented Programming
In case of any queries | please feel free to contact
Finland Labs
Phone : +91 -8505838080
(M), (011) 65544708(O)
Email : info@finlandlabs.com
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Android Apps Development
Highlights of Android Apps Development Training
After completing the Android Development training you should be able to understand:
- Basic Android Development tools such as Android Studio, DDMS, Drawables, Listeners, and so on.
- How to use various Layouts and Widgets in Android Applications.
- How to create interactive applications in android with multiple activities including audio, video and notifications.
- How to create applications using SQLite database.
- How to publish your App on Google Play
Android Apps Projects details
- Media Player, Video Player
- Camera Application
- Google maps
- Bluetooth Application
- Wi-Fi Application
- SMS Application
- Dialog box Application
- Motion Sensors Application
- Spelling Checker
Android Apps Development Course Content
Therory & Hands on Topics of Android Training
Introduction to Android
- What is Android?
- History Behind Android Development
- Setting up development environment
- Android Architecture
- Dalvik Virtual Machine
- UI Components – Views & notifications
- Components for communication
- Intents & Intent Filters
- Android API levels
- Hello Android example
Application Structure and UI Widgets
- AndroidManifest.xml
- uses-permission & uses-sdk
- Resources & R.java
- Assets
- Layouts & Draw able Resources
- Activities and Activity lifecycle
- First sample Application
- Working with Button
- Toast
- Custom Toast
- Button, Toggle Button
- Switch Button, Image Button
- Date Picker , Time Picker
Activity & Intent
- Activity Lifecycle
- Activity Example
- Types of Intent
- Implicit Intent
- Explicit Intent
- Checkbox ,
- Alert Dialog
- Complex UI components
Layout Design
- Absolut layout
- Relative Layout
- Linear Layout
- Table Layout
- Grid Layout
- Frame Layout
Hand-on session
- Change one activity to another activity
- Calling and Dialing Application
- Camera Application
- Web and Url Application
Notification Manager
- Working in the Background
- Creating and Controlling Services
- Binding Activities to Services
- Creating New Threads
- Synchronizing Threads for GUI Operations
- Using Toasts in Worker Threads
- Introducing the Notification Manager
- Creating Notifications
Broadcast Receiver &Content provider
- Understanding Broadcast action, category and data
- Registering Broadcast receiver through code and through XML
- Sending Broadcast
- Accessing built in content providers
- Content provider MIME types
- Searching for content
- Adding, changing, and removing content
- Creating content provider
- Working with content files
- Introduction of Android Animation
- Types of animation
- Property animation
- Scale animation
- Alpha animation
- Rotate animation
- Translate animation
- Frame by Frame Animation
- Hand on all type of animation
- Example of Scale animation
- Example of Alpha animation
- Example of Rotate animation
- Example of Translate animation
- Example of Frame by Frame Animation
Google Maps
- Maps & Location-Based Services
- Creating Map-Based Activities
- Introducing Map View and Map Activity
- Configuring and Using Map Views
- Using the Map Controller
- Customizing Map
- Google Map class
- Android Google Map Application
- Proximity alerts
- Working with Google Maps
- Showing Google map in an Activity
- Map Overlays
- Itemized overlay
- Gets current location using gap.
- Finding location using service provider
- Finding location Using Broadcast Receiver
Multimedia in Android
- Multimedia Supported audio formats
- Simple media playback
Data Storage
- Using Shared Preferences
- Android File System
- Internal storage
- Using SQLite
- Introducing SQLite
- SQLite Open Helper and creating a database
- Application One Audio Player
- Application on Storing Data Using Shared Preferences
Bluetooth device
- Controlling local Bluetooth device
- Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
- Managing Bluetooth connections
- Communicating with Bluetooth
Android P2P Communication
- Introducing Instant Messaging
- Sending and Receiving Data Messages
- Transmitting Data Messages
- Receiving Data Messages
- Application On sending SMS
- Application On Bluetooth On Off
Big Data & Hadoop
Highlights of Big Data & Hadoop
- Implement a Hadoop Project
- Learn to write Complex MapReduce programs
- Perform Data Analytics using Pig and Hive
- Understand Data Loading Techniques using SQOOP and Flume
- Master the concepts of Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduceFramework
- Work on a Real Life Project on Big Data Analytics and gain Hands on Project Experience
Big Data &Hadooop Projects details
- Word Count for a large amount of data With Using (MapReduce , Pig , Hive )
- Temperature Sensor Conversation With Using Pig or HQL
- DATA Sorting With Large data Set With Pig and Sqoop
- Write Complex MapReduce programs
- Master the concepts of Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce Framework
- Work on a Real Life Project on Big Data Analytics and gain Hands on Project Experience
Big Data & Hadoop Course Content
A.Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop
- What is a Data?
- Type of Data
- Need of Big Data
- Characteristics of Big Data
B.Different Components of Hadoop
C.Big Data Technology
- Traditional IT approach
- Big Data Capabilities
- Milestones of Hadoop
A. Software Introduction
- VMware Player
- VMware installed with BIOS system
- Horton Works Sand Box Introduction
B. Hadoop Architecture
- Hadoop cluster
- Hadoop Core Services
- Hadoop Core Components
- Map reduce Introduction
A. Starting With Hadoop
- Map reduce Analogy
- Map reduce Example
- Map Execution
- Real time Using With Hadoop
B. Pig
- Introduction to Apache Pig
- Components of pig
- How to Works pig, or Data model
- Pig vs. SQL
- Pig Execution Modes
- Map Reduce vs. Apache Pig
- Different Data Types in Pig
- Modes of Execution in Pig
- Local Mode
- Execution Mechanism
- Grunt Shell
- Scrip
- Pig Commands
- Examples Of pig
- Word Count
- Batting Examples
- Introduction to SQOOP
- MySQL Client and Server Installation
- How to Connect to Relational Database
- Using SQOOP
- Different SQOOP Commands
- Different Flavors of Import
- Export
- HIVE Imports
B.Introduction Of Zookeeper
- Features of Zookeeper
- Use of ZooKeeper
- Zookeeper Data Model
Who should go for this Course?
Predictions say 2017 will be the year Hadoop finally becomes a cornerstone of your business technology agenda. To stay ahead in the game, Hadoop has become a must-know technology for the Graduates aiming to build a career in Big Data.
What are the other requirement for this training program?
- Seminar hall/classroom having the enough capacity to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
- Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required.
- Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation purposes.
- This training center can only be arranged for a minimum of 50 students
- Accommodation to our Hadoop Expert.
IOT using Arduino
Objectives of IOT using Arduino Training
Internet of Things,or IOT in short, is the idea of making devices and objects smarter by linking them to the internet. This workshop introduces you to the amazing world of IOT and its fascinating applications. Using Arduino development kit, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!
Knowledge and Understanding after completion of this course
- knowledge and understanding of fundamental IOT paradigms, architectures, possibilities and challenges, both with respect to software and hardware,
- A wide competence from different areas of technology, especially from computer engineering, robotics, electronics, intelligent systems .
- Learn the basics of Internet of Things and its applications.
- What “the Internet of Things” means and how it relates to Cloud computing concepts.
- How open platforms allow you to store your sensor data in the Cloud.
- The basic usage of the Arduino environment for creating your own embedded projects at low cost.
- How to connect your Arduino with your Android phone.
- How to send data to the Internet and talk to the Cloud.
- How to update sensor readings on Twitter (Social Networking Sites).
- Control a Relay Switch by texting from your Phone.
Internet of Things Projects details
- Project 1: Simple LED Program for Arduino
- Project 2: Integrating Sensors & Reading Environmental Physical Values.
- Project 3: Reading Environmental Values on Android Smartphone.
- Project 4: Voice Controlled Mini Home Automation using Android Smartphone
- Project 5: Control Devices using Localhost Web Server for Home Automation.
- Project 6: Creating own Android App using MIT App Inventor & controlling Arduino connected devices.
- Project 7: Being Social on Twitter & update status on Twitter through Arduino
- Project 9: Use Arduino to Upload free data from Environmental Sensors to Cloud Server.
- Project 10: Automatically Tweet Sensor Data on Twitter.
- Project 11: Receive Automatic Call Notification on Mobile Phone for Burglar Alarm using IoT Platform.
- Project 12: Control Electronic Devices from anywhere across the world using Internet & Mobile App.
Why Internet of Things (IOT) Training from NWTP-2018 ?
- 12 Major Projects will be covered in this Training.
- Our syllabus is professionally designed to cover Basic as well as Advance aspects of IOT using Arduino
- Each day of our training is well planned to provide you with Theoretical as well as Practical Knowledge of the module
- Each day will come up with New Practical & Projects which makes the training interesting and exciting.
- Time to time Practical Assignments will be provided to the students, which will help them in doing practice at home.
- Revision Time & Query Sessions are provided to the students which help them in clearing previous doubts.
- Exam will be conducted at the end of basic as well as Advance module to test the knowledge level of the students.
- Time for Project Workshop will be provided to the students, in which students will develop a project of their own choice. This will encourage Innovative Ideas among students.
Kit For Internet of Things Development
- Arduino Uno Rev 3 (Made in Italy)
- USB Cable
- ESP8266 (ESP01) Serial WiFi Module
- Breadboard (Regular)
- Assorted Jumper Wires (20)
- DHT 11
- Assorted LEDs (10)
- Switches
- Registers
- Software tools and firmware
Therory & Hands on Topics of IOT with Arduino Training
Introduction to the Internet of Things
- The Internet of Things
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- The Basics of Sensors & Actuators
The Arduino Platform
- The Arduino Open-Microcontroller Platform
- Arduino Basics
- Arduino Board Layout & Architecture
- Arduino Programming & Interface of Sensors
- Interfacing sensors with Arduino Programming Arduino
- Reading from Sensors
Project 1: Simple LED Program for Arduino
Project 2: Integrating Sensors & Reading Environmental Physical Values.
Interfacing sensors with Arduino Programming Arduino
- Talking to your Android Phone with Arduino
- Connecting Arduino with Mobile Device.
- The Android Mobile OS.
- Using the Bluetooth Module
Project 3: Home Automation using Android Smartphone
Project 4: Reading Environmental Values on Android Smartphone
Project 5: Tweet Sensor Reading through your phone on Twitter.
- Creating App on Twitter
- Integrating Arduino to talk to Twitter via Internet.
- Cloud Computing.
- Communicating with the Cloud using Web Services.
- Cloud Computing & IoT.
- Popular Cloud Computing Services for Sensor Management.
Introduction to Interrupts
- What is interrupts
- Application of Interrupts
- Registers of Interrupts Different Modes
- Explaining ARDUINO Serial communication
Project 6: Sending Arduino Data to your Cloud Application.
Project 7: Use Arduino to Upload free data from Environmental Sensors.
Who should go for this Course?
Students from B.E/B.Tech/M.Tech/Diploma (ECE/EEE/CSE/IT/MECH) can join this training. Anyone who have interest in this field and have pre-requisite knowledge.
What are the other requirement for this training program?
- Seminar hall/classroom having the enough capacity to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
- Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required.
- Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation purposes.
- This training center can only be arranged for a minimum of 50 students
- Accommodation to our IOT Expert.
IOT using Raspberry Pi
Internet Of Things using Raspberry Pi
Internet of Things, or IoT in short, is the idea of making devices and objects smarter by linking them to the internet.
This workshop introduces you to the amazing world of IoT and its fascinating applications. Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!
Training Outcomes
- Learn the basics of Internet of Things and its applications
- Build your computer using Raspberry Pi platform
- Work with DHT sensors to detect humidity and temperature
- Setup IoT connectivity using a remote desktop
- Understand Raspbian OS, Python programming, SMTP and API
- Develop and test an IoT weather monitoring station
Kit Content
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B ( Wireless , Bluetooth )
- Micro SD memory card 8 GB
- SD memory card adapter
- DHT Sensor
- Resistor,
- Switch
- Breadboard
- Connecting wires
- HDMI to VGA Cable
- Micro USB cable
All the above components would be provided during the program to participants in groups of 2 but would be taken back at the end. If participant want to buy then cost will be Rs5000/-per kit
IOT Workshop Outcomes
What is IOT?
Learn: IoT – an Introduction?
Learn: IoT for Weather Monitoring?
Review: What is IoT?
Build your computer using Raspberry Pi
Learn: What is Raspberry Pi?
Do: Raspberry Pi Board
Do: Installing OS on your Raspberry Pi?
Sense Temperature and Humidity
Learn: Sensors
Learn: Temperature and Humidity Sensors
Do: How to work with DHT 11 Sensor
Review: How to sense Temperature and Humidity
Establish Remote Desktop Connection
Do: Internet Sharing from PC to Raspberry Pi
Do: Setup SSH connection using Putty
Do:Remote server access using VNC server
Raspbian OS
Do: Tools and Applications – An Introduction
Python Programming
Learn: An Introduction
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Learn: An Introduction
Do: Installation in Raspberry Pi
Do: Send simple Gmail – Python Programming
Application Programming Interface
Learn: An Introduction
Building IOT Weather Station
Do: Connecting DHT 11 sensor with Raspberry Pi
Do: Programming the Raspberry Pi for IOT
Do: Testing the IoT device
IOT using Raspberry Pi Course Contents
- Introduction to Raspberry Pi
- Different Models of Raspberry Pi
- Why Raspberry Pi.
- Peripherals of Raspberry Pi.
- Applications of Raspberry Pi.
- Future of Micro Computing.
- Preparing Your Raspberry Pi for First Use
- Different Operating Systems for Raspberry pi.
- Getting Started With NOOBS
- Getting things ready for first use
- NOOBS OS inside out
- Booting for the First time.
Introduction to Microcontroller
- Diff B/w Microcontroller and Microprocessor
- Introduction to Raspberry Pi
- Architecture and Hardware specifications
- Introduction to ARM
Introduction to Programming:
- Introduction to Scratch Programming
- History and basic of Scratch
- My first program on scratch
- Led Blinking using Scratch
Introduction to Python programming Language
- History and Basic of Python
- My first program on scratch
- Led Blinking using Scratch
- Interrupt concept
- NVIC on Arm Cortex M4.
- Edge Trigger and SysTick Interrupt.
- Writing Interrupt Service Routine
Setting Up for a Perfect Pi Experience
- Operation Procedures.
- Updating Pi to Latest software’s.
- Setting various Options and Personalizing.
- First introduction to the LINUX terminal.
- Introduction to the Open Source Software Library.
Introduction to LINUX Environment
- The Linux Organization Structure.
- LINUX Shell.
- SHELL Scripting.
- Getting Familiar with the GPIO Pins of your Pi
- Pin numbering Formats
- The Voltage hazard Information.
- The LED Interfacing.
- The First Button Interface with Raspberry Pi.
- General information on other pins and their functionality
Hands-on session will include
- Setting up Raspberry PI
- Flashing the loading the SD card with the OS
- Booting the OS
- Intro of items on the desktop (Debian Linux/ Wheezy)
- Enabling GPIO pins
- LED interfacing using the GPIO
What are the other requirements for this training program?
- Seminar hall/classroom having the enough capacity to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
- Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required.
- Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation purposes. .
- This training center can only be arranged for a minimum of 50 students
- Accommodation to our IOT Expert
Quad Copter Development
Why Quadcopter Training from NWTP-2018 ?
- QuadCopter development Project will be covered in this Training.
- Our syllabus is professionally designed to cover Basic as well as Advance aspects of QuadCopter development.
- Each day of our training is well planned to provide you with Theoretical as well as Practical Knowledge of the module
- Each day will come up with New Practical & Projects which makes the training interesting and exciting.
Time to time Practical Assignments will be provided to the students, which will help them in doing practice at home. - Revision Time & Query Sessions are provided to the students which help them in clearing previous doubts.
Exam will be conducted at the end of basic as well as Advance module to test the knowledge level of the students. - Time for Project Workshop will be provided to the students, in which students will develop a project of their own choice. This will encourage Innovative Ideas among students.
Quad Copter Project with Free Quad Copter Kit
• Introduction to Rotary-wing aircraft
• Introduction to design and development of Multi Rotor Vehicles
• Understanding the Electronics circuitry involved in Quad copter
• Learning about the working of accelerometer sensors, gyroscopes and controllers
• Hands-on experience for participants with DC motors, electronic speed controllers and Quadcopter Embedded control board
• Exposure to Design and concepts of Embedded Systems behind Multicopters
• Fabrication of Quadcopter frame and its circuit
• Calibration and Testing of the developed Quadcopter
• Quadcopter Flying using Radio Control and competition
Quad Copter Training Kit Details
- Quad frame Power Distribution Board
- kk multi copter control board V 5.5
- Screws and screw Driver
- Radio Transmitter
- Radio Receiver
- Multirotor Stabilization Controller
- 30A Electronic Speed Controller 4 nos
- 1000KV Brushless DC Motor 4 nos
- Propellers (1 pair of Pushers + 1 pair of Pullers)
- 2200mAh Battery 01 nos
- Normal Battery Charger 01 nos
- Battery Strap 01
- DEAN / XT60 connector
- Bullet Connectors 12 nos
Quad Copter Development Course Content
Introduction to Multicopter
- Definition
- History of Quadcopter
- Difference between different types of Multicopter
- Applications of Quadcopter
- Uses of Quadcopter
- Working Mechanism
- Operating Techniques
- Constructional Techniques
Base of Multicopter
- Frame
- Types of Frame
- Frame Configuration
- Propeller
- History of Propeller
- Theory and Designing of Propeller
- Standard Propeller Size
- Different forces acting on Propeller
- Understanding Propeller Size and Control
- Analysis of Propeller Pitch, Diameter and RPM
- Types of Motors
- Basic working concept of Motors
- Characteristics of BLDC
- Advantages of BLDC
- Applications of BLDC
- Theory of operation of BLDC
- Different Phase BLDC Motor
- Evaluation of BLDC
Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
- Features
- Working
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Interfacing of ESCs
- Start up Procedures
- Protection Methods
- Trouble Shooting
Overview of Sensor
- Definition
- Different Types of Sensors
- Use of Sensor in QuadCopter
- Interfacing of Sensors
Introduction to Flight Controller Board
- What is Microcontroller?
- Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor.
- Microcontroller Architecture and Interfacing.
- Understanding the detailed pin out of the Microcontroller.
- Understanding different protocols and peripherals of Flight Controller Board
- How can we use Microcontroller in our Own Circuits?
Introduction to Battery
- Difference between Lithium Ion (Li-ion) and Lithium Polymer (Lipo) Battery Characteristics of
- Benefits and Downsides of using Lipo
- Charging Lipo Battery
- Maximum charge voltage and current
- How to overcome over discharging
- Do’s and Don’ts for Lipo
- Safety Precautions
Radio Devices
- Definition
- Use of RC Remote Control
- Understanding Radio Transmitter
- Types of Radio Transmitter
- Different Channels of Radio transmitter
- Basic Functionalities of RC Transmitter
Installation of Software and Debugging
- Flashing the Firmware into Flight Controller Board with the use of Programmer Updating the Firmware
- Synchronizing RC Transmitter and Receiver
- Calibrating RC Transmitter
- Working with Flying Model Simulator (FMS)
Live Flying Session with Experts Guidance
What are the other requirement for this training program?
- Seminar hall/classroom having the enough capacity to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
- Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required.
- Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation purposes.
- One small stereo jack cord to in laptop for its sound system.
- This training center can only be arranged for a minimum of 30 students
- Accommodation to our resource team
Embedded System & Robotics
Objectives of Embedded System & Robotics Training
About 99 percent of all computers today are embedded – they are found in cell phones, game consoles, digital cameras, cars, airplanes, medical equipment, home appliances, robots, and etcetera. The market for embedded systems is enormous, and the industry’s demand for high skilled experts in these areas is constantly increasing.
We offer a top-quality education in embedded systems, with world known expert teachers, industrial student projects, and closely related to our world-known research in the area. Embedded Systems is the most intensive research area at Mälardalen University and it is among top-five research centers in the world in embedded systems.
Knowledge and Understanding after completion of this course block the student will show:
- knowledge and understanding of fundamental embedded systems design paradigms, architectures, possibilities and challenges, both with respect to software and hardware,
- A wide competence from different areas of technology, especially 2 (5) from computer engineering, robotics, electronics, intelligent systems and mechatronics.
- Deep state-of-the-art theoretical knowledge in the areas of real-time systems, artificial intelligence, learning systems, sensor and measuring systems, and their interdisciplinary nature needed for integrated hardware/software development of embedded systems.
- ability to analyze a system both as whole and in the included parts, to understand how these parts interact in the functionality and properties of the system, and
- Understanding and experience of state-of-the-practice industrial embedded systems and intelligent embedded system development.
Embedded system &Robotics Projects details
• Black Line Follower using two IR-Sensor
• white Line Follower using two IR-Sensor
• Line Follower using Signal Sensor
• Sound Operated Robot
• Wall follower Robot
• Edge Avoider Robot
• Obstacle Avoider Robot
• Hand Gesture Robot
• Mobile Controlled Robot
• Decoration LEDs/ LED Patterns
• Moving Massage LCD Display/ Blinking Message
• 7-Segment Display
• Multiplexer 7-Segment Display
Kit for Embedded System & Robotics Development
- 1x (ATmega16 Revert Technology Development Board)
- 1x (ATmega16 with inbuilt Revert Technology Boot loader)
- 1x (DTMF Decoder Module for Mobile Controlled Robot)
- 1x (High Quality Plastic Chassis Board)
- 1x (Pair D.C Plastic gear motors)
- 2x (IR Based Digital Sensors)
- 1x (Pair wheel 76mm Diameter)
- 1x (USB Connector cable)
- 1x (Ball Caster wheel)
- 1x (Screw driver)
- 4x (Support Studs)
- 1x (LCD 16×2)
- Other required Tools and accessories etc.
- Sound Sensor.
Embedded System & Robotics Course Content
- Introduction of Embedded System
- Microprocessor and Microcontroller (CISC and RISC)
- 8051 Microcontroller Architecture
- What is 8051 Standard?
- Microcontroller’s pins
- Input/output Ports (I/O Ports)
- 8051 Microcontroller Memory organization
- SFRs (Special Function Registers)
- Software (keil,proteusetc)
- How to make project and program on 8051
- Atmel avr introduction
- AVR Microcontroller Architecture
- What is AVR Standard?
- Microcontroller’s pins
- Input/output Ports (I/O Ports)
- AVR Microcontroller Memory Organization
- Basic program blinking.
- Hardware distribution and components description(motor, sensor,chesses,LCD,seven segment board, battery ,tools etc )
- Motor and sensor introduction
- Driver use for motor introduction
- Programming based on motor
- Programming based on sensor.
- Programming line follower, edge avoider, obstacle avoider.
- Introduction of LCD & seven segment.
- Pin configuration of LCD.
- Program on seven segment
- Program on lcd
- Introduction of DTMF
- Programming based on mobile robotics.
- Introduction of accelerometer.
- Introduction ADC and programming.
- Gesture controlled robotics (with connecting wire )
Zonal Center : Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Delhi
Training Date : 27 November - 02 December 2017
Zonal Center : SCMS School of Engineering and Technology,Angamaly
Training Date :11th-16th December 2017
Zonal Center : SCMS School of Engineering and Technology,Angamaly
Training Date :18th-23th December 2017
Zonal Center : Indian Institute of Plantation Management,Bangalore
Training Date :21st-22nd October 2017
Zonal Center : Camellia School of Engineering & Technology,Kolkata
Training Date : 24th - 25th October 2017
Zonal Center : REVA University,Bangalore
Training Date : 27th-28th October 2017
Zonal Center : Sanketika Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,Visakhapatnam
Training Date : 01st-02nd September 2017
Zonal Center : Gokul group of Institutions, Piridi,Bobbili
Training Date : 04th-06th September 2017
Zonal Center : PSG College of Technology,Coimbatore
Training Date : 8th - 9th September 2017
Zonal Center : School of Information Sciences, Manipal
Training Date : 13th - 16th September 2017
Zonal Center : M.H.Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai
Training Date :22nd - 23rd September 2017
Zonal Center : DY Patil College of Engineering Ambi, Pune
Training Date : 27th-29th September 2017
Zonal Center : Himgiri Zee University,Dehradun
Training Date : 15th - 16th September 2017
Zonal Center : ACE Engineering College,Hyderabad
Training Date : 22nd-23rd September 2017
Zonal Center : ACE Engineering College,Hyderabad
Training Date : 22nd-23rd September 2017
Zonal Center : Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,Coimbatore
Training Date : 21st - 22nd September 2017
Zonal Center : Anurag Group of Institutions,Ghatkesar
Training Date : 28th - 29th July 2017
Zonal Center : Sanketika Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,Visakhapatnam
Training Date : 22nd-23rd September 2017
Zonal Center : Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science,Kochi
Training Date : 25th - 26th August 2017
Zonal Center : HMR Institute of Technology & Management,Delhi
Training Date : 24th August -01st September 2017
Zonal Center : Graphic Era University Dehradun
Training Date : 26th August-2nd September 2017
Zonal Center : KL University,Vijaywada
Training Date : 17th - 18th August 2017
Zonal Center : SIR M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology,Bangalore
Training Date :19th -20th August 2017
Zonal Center : Anand International College of Engineering,Jaipur
Training Date :18th -19th August 2017
Zonal Center : VVM's Shree Damodar college of Commerce & Economics,Goa
Training Date : 17th - 22th July 2017
Zonal Center : BMS Institute of Technology and Management,Bengaluru
Training Date :31st July -05th August 2017
Zonal Center : BMS Institute of Technology and Management,Bengaluru
Training Date : 01st-05th August 2017
Zonal Center : Oriental Institute of Science & Technology,Bhopal
Training Date : 6th -7th March 2017
Zonal Center : The National Institute of Engineering,Mysuru
Training Date : 06th - 07th March 2017
Zonal Center : KL University , Vijayawada
Training Date : 09th - 10th March 2017
Zonal Center : KL University , Vijayawada
Training Date : 9th - 10th March 2017
Zonal Center : KL University , Vijayawada
Training Date : 13th - 15th March 2017
Zonal Center : KL University , Vijayawada
Training Date : 13th - 14th March 2017
Zonal Center : Bangalore Institute of Technology,Bengaluru
Training Date : 13th - 14th March 2017
Zonal Center : MGM's College of Engineering,Nanded
Training Date : 15th - 18th March 2017
Zonal Center : CMR Institute of Technology,Bangalore
Training Date : 17th - 18th March 2017
Zonal Center : NBN Sinhgad School Of Engineering,Pune
Training Date : 20th - 21st March 2017
Zonal Center : United College of Engineering & Research,Allahabad
Training Date : 24th - 25th March 2017
Zonal Center : B.S. Abdur Rahman University,Chennai
Training Date : 31st March - 1st April 2017
Zonal Center : KL University , Vijayawada
Training Date : 27th -28th February 2017
Zonal Center : M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering,Karur
Training Date : 03rd -04th March 2017
Zonal Center : Rameshwaram Institute of Technology & Management,Lucknow
Training Date : 06th - 07th March 2017
Zonal Center : B.M.S. College of Engineering,Bangalore
Training Date : 20th -21st February 2017
Zonal Center : B.M.S. College of Engineering,Bangalore
Training Date :25th -26th February 2017
Zonal Center : B.M.S. College of Engineering,Bangalore
Training Date : 27th -28th February 2017
Zonal Center : Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology,Chennai
Training Date :31st Jan -2nd Feb 2017
Zonal Center : S.R.K.R.Engineering College,Bhimavaram
Training Date :6th -7th February 2017
Zonal Center : Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Noida
Training Date : 23th -28th January 2017
Zonal Center : Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Noida
Training Date : Jan 30- Feb 3 2017
Zonal Center : Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Noida
Training Date : Feb 6 - Feb 10 2017
Zonal Center : Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Noida
Training Date : Feb 13 - Feb 17 2017
Zonal Center : MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi,Pune
Training Date : 3rd - 4th February 2017
Zonal Center : SCSVMV University,Kanchipuram
Training Date :14th -15th February 2017
Zonal Center : Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus,Hydrabad
Training Date : 17th -18th February 2017
Zonal Center : Gandhi Institute for Technology,Bhubaneswar
Training Date : 07th - 08th March 2017
Zonal Center : Dr.NGP institute of Technology,Coimbatore
Training Date :24th -25th February 2017
Zonal Center : Mamta RMCTM Skill Academy,Indore
Training Date : 25th -26th February 2017
Zonal Center : Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology,Chennai
Training Date : 15th-16th February 2017
Zonal Center : Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur
Training Date : 24th-25th February 2017
Zonal Center : Anurag College of Engineering , Hyderabad
Training Date : 17th-18th February 2017
Zonal Center : Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education and Research
Training Date :28th Feb -2nd March 2017
Zonal Center : Govt. polytechnic college Sanawad, MP
Training Date : 20th - 21st February 2017
Zonal Center : Dr. DY Patil Institute of Engineering Management and Research, Akurdi, Pune
Training Date :3rd-4th January 2017
Zonal Center : School of Information Sciences,Manipal University,Manipal
Training Date :11th-14th January 2017
Zonal Center : Dr. DY Patil Institute of Engineering Management and Research, Akurdi, Pune
Training Date :12th -13th January 2017
Zonal Center : Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,Pune
Training Date :14th–15th January 2017
Zonal Center : Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,Pune
Training Date :16th-17th January 2017
Zonal Center : Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,Visakhapatnam
Training Date :23th -24th January 2017
Zonal Center : HMR Institute of Technology & Management,Delhi
Training Date : 06th-17th February 2017
Zonal Center : Rise Krishna Sai Prakasam Group of Institutions,Ongole
Training Date :29th -30th December 2016
Zonal Center : Atmiya Institute of Technology and Science,Rajkot
Training Date :29th -31th December 2016
Zonal Center : Pune Institute of Computer Technology,Pune
Training Date : 05th – 06th January 2017
Appeal For Make Your College as a Zonal Center For National Winter Training Program-2018
In case of any queries | please feel free to contact
Finland Labs
Phone : +91 -8505838080
(M), (011) 65544708(O)
Email : info@finlandlabs.com
Benefits of association with NWTP-2018
- Name and Logo including website link will be published on our official website mentioning that “You are our Official Zonal Partner”.
- Authorized Team will visit your College to organize the entire event.
- The chance to get signs the MOU between Finland labs New delhi & Your estimated college.
- An email will be sent to more than 1 lack users of our web partners about your college publicity.
- Posters and Flexes will be sent to you for effective regional publicity.
- All India publicity through Web marketing will also be done.
Benefits to the participants
- Learn & Interact with renowned Industry Experts.
- Project Completion letter to each attendee from Finland Labs New delhi
- The Certificate of Participation in association with Cognizance IIT-R.
- Free CD/DVD containing Software Resource Toolkit
- Students will get the opportunity to have Free 6 month project based Internship.
- Zonal center’s winners will be called to participate in the final round will be held at IIT-Roorkee.
- Top Teams will be awarded as winners with the certificate of honor & respected prizes at IIT-Roorkee
Training Certificates
- Certificate of Participation from NWTP-2018 In Association With EDC IIT-Roorkee.
- Certificate of merit from NWTP-2018 In Association With EDC IIT-Roorkee.
- Certificate of Coordination from NWTP-2018 In Association With EDC IIT-Roorkee.
1.Android Apps Development Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and a free Android Apps Kit to each Student)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
2.Big Data & Hadoop Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and a free Big Data & Hadoop Kit to each Student)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
3. Machine Learning For Data Science Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and a free Machine Learning Tools Kit to each Student)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
4. Python Programming Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and a free software tools Kit to each Student)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
5. Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and a free Software Tools Kit to each Student)
6.Embedded System & Robotics Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST (Free Kit group of 5 student)
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST(Free Kit group of 2 student)
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST(Free Kit Group of 2 student)
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and a Free
Embedded System & Robotics Kit)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
7. IOT with Arduino Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1350/ per participant only +@18%GST (Free Kit group of 5 student)
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3500/ per participant only +@18%GST(Free Kit group of 2 student)
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST(Free Kit Group of 2 student)
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and
IOT with Arduino Kit )
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
8. IOT With Raspberry Pi Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST (1 Kit group of 5 student Only Training Purpose)
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST( 1 Kit group of 3 student Only Training Purpose)
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST(1 Kit Group of 2 student Only Training Purpose)
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and
IOT with Raspberry Pi Kit Only Training Purpose)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
9. QuadCopter Development Training Fee
2-Days (14hrs) INR 1200/ per participant only +@18%GST
5-Days (30hrs) INR 3000/ per participant only +@18%GST
10-Days (50hrs) INR 5000/ per participant only+@18%GST
(The fee includes training, certification, and Event registration and
QuadCopter Kit Only Training Purpose)
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
In case of any queries | please feel free to contact
Finland Labs
Phone : +91 -8505838080
(M), (011) 65544708(O)
Email : info@finlandlabs.com
IOT using Arduino
Kit For Internet of Things Using Arduino Development
- Arduino Uno Rev 3 (Made in Italy)
- USB Cable
- ESP8266 (ESP01) Serial WiFi Module
- Breadboard (Regular)
- Assorted Jumper Wires (20)
- DHT 11
- Assorted LEDs (10)
- Switches
- Registers
- Software tools and firmware
Internet of Things Projects details
- Project 1: Simple LED Program for Arduino
- Project 2: Integrating Sensors & Reading Environmental Physical Values.
- Project 3: Reading Environmental Values on Android Smartphone.
- Project 4: Voice Controlled Mini Home Automation using Android Smartphone
- Project 5: Control Devices using Localhost Web Server for Home Automation.
- Project 6: Creating own Android App using MIT App Inventor & controlling Arduino connected devices.
- Project 7: Being Social on Twitter & update status on Twitter through Arduino
- Project 9: Use Arduino to Upload free data from Environmental Sensors to Cloud Server.
- Project 10: Automatically Tweet Sensor Data on Twitter.
- Project 11: Receive Automatic Call Notification on Mobile Phone for Burglar Alarm using IoT Platform.
- Project 12: Control Electronic Devices from anywhere across the world using Internet & Mobile App.
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
IOT using Raspberry Pi
Kit Content
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B ( Wireless , Bluetooth )
- Micro SD memory card 8 GB
- SD memory card adapter
- DHT Sensor
- Resistor,
- Switch
- Breadboard
- Connecting wires
- HDMI to VGA Cable
- Micro USB cable
Training Projects
- Learn the basics of Internet of Things and its applications
- Build your computer using Raspberry Pi platform
- Work with DHT sensors to detect humidity and temperature
- Setup IoT connectivity using a remote desktop
- Understand Raspbian OS, Python programming, SMTP and API
- Develop and test an IoT weather monitoring station
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Embedded System & Robotics
Kit for Embedded System & Robotics Development
- 1x (ATmega16 Revert Technology Development Board)
- 1x (ATmega16 with inbuilt Revert Technology Boot loader)
- 1x (DTMF Decoder Module for Mobile Controlled Robot)
- 1x (High Quality Plastic Chassis Board)
- 1x (Pair D.C Plastic gear motors)
- 2x (IR Based Digital Sensors)
- 1x (Pair wheel 76mm Diameter)
- 1x (USB Connector cable)
- 1x (Ball Caster wheel)
- 1x (Screw driver)
- 4x (Support Studs)
- 1x (LCD 16×2)
- Other required Tools and accessories etc.
- Sound Sensor.
Embedded system &Robotics Projects details
• Black Line Follower using two IR-Sensor
• white Line Follower using two IR-Sensor
• Line Follower using Signal Sensor
• Sound Operated Robot
• Wall follower Robot
• Edge Avoider Robot
• Obstacle Avoider Robot
• Hand Gesture Robot
• Mobile Controlled Robot
• Decoration LEDs/ LED Patterns
• Moving Massage LCD Display/ Blinking Message
• 7-Segment Display
• Multiplexer 7-Segment Display
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Quad Copter Development
Quad Copter Training Kit Details
- Quad frame Power Distribution Board
- kk multi copter control board V 5.5
- Screws and screw Driver
- Radio Transmitter
- Radio Receiver
- Multirotor Stabilization Controller
- 30A Electronic Speed Controller 4 nos
- 1000KV Brushless DC Motor 4 nos
- Propellers (1 pair of Pushers + 1 pair of Pullers)
- 2200mAh Battery 01 nos
- Normal Battery Charger 01 nos
- Battery Strap 01
- DEAN / XT60 connector
- Bullet Connectors 12 nos
Quad Copter Project
• Introduction to Rotary-wing aircraft
• Introduction to design and development of Multi Rotor Vehicles
• Understanding the Electronics circuitry involved in Quad copter
• Learning about the working of accelerometer sensors, gyroscopes and controllers
• Hands-on experience for participants with DC motors, electronic speed controllers and Quadcopter Embedded control board
• Exposure to Design and concepts of Embedded Systems behind Multicopters
• Fabrication of Quadcopter frame and its circuit
• Calibration and Testing of the developed Quadcopter
• Quadcopter Flying using Radio Control and competition
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Machine Learning For Data Science
Free Machine Learning For Data Science Kit
- Sample Codes
- PPTs
- Projects
- Software
- R Studio
- Tutorials
- Study Materials
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Python Programming
Free Python Programming Development Kit
- Sample Codes
- PPTs
- Projects
- Software
- Tutorials
- Study Materials
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Android Apps Development
Free Android Apps Development Kit
- All Software and Tools
- E-Books
- Projects Code
- PPT & Video
Android Apps Projects details
- Media Player, Video Player
- Camera Application
- Google maps
- Bluetooth Application
- Wi-Fi Application
- SMS Application
- Dialog box Application
- Motion Sensors Application
- Spelling Checker
Click Here to Download Complete Proposal
Big Data & Hadoop
Free Big Data & Hadoop Kit
- All Software and Tools
- Sample Codes
- PPTs
- Projects
- Software
- Tutorials
- Study Materials
Big Data &Hadooop Projects details
- Word Count for a large amount of data With Using (MapReduce , Pig , Hive )
- Temperature Sensor Conversation With Using Pig or HQL
- DATA Sorting With Large data Set With Pig and Sqoop
- Write Complex MapReduce programs
- Master the concepts of Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce Framework
- Work on a Real Life Project on Big Data Analytics and gain Hands on Project Experienc